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Personal, Social, Health Education


At St Peter’s, we believe that Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is an imperative part of the curriculum and is vital in ensuring our children are healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our aim is to provide pupils with a knowledge (through a Christian perspective) of their world: locally, nationally and globally and give them the confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up within this.

We live in a diverse society and our local community is dynamic. We ensure that the children at St Peter’s respect and welcome all beliefs, cultures, and value difference. Children have many opportunities to learn about our ‘core values’ and the rights and responsibilities that every member of society should have.

Our PSHE programme of study has a large focus on enabling children to discuss their well-being and teaches them ways to effectively manage this. PSHE is an important part of school life where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.

Our PSHE curriculum incorporates the British Values and supports pupils' understanding of these in a meaningful context. Throughout the PSHE curriculum, the Protected Characteristics are carefully considered when planning and delivering the lessons. 


At St Peter’s, we have carefully planned PSHE lessons that follow a clear and comprehensive scheme of work, in line with the National Curriculum. We ensure we cover the Health and Well-Being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World learning opportunities set out in the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study, which comprehensively cover the statutory Health Education and Relationships Education guidance. 

Pupils are taught PSHE using the SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) scheme of work. There is a strong emphasis on emotional Literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. It includes mindfulness to allow children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

Below is the Termly Progression that the whole school (EYFS to Year 6) follows:

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
Me and My Relationships Valuing Difference Keeping
Myself Safe
Rights and Responsibilities Being
My Best
and Changing

*The detailed termly version from EYFS to Year 6 can be seen in the knowledge and skills documents linked below.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

At St Peter’s, we have a tailored approach to the teaching of RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education). From EYFS to Year 5, we use the SCARF unit of work, Growing and Changing. In Year 6, we follow the programme of work titled, 'Growing Up, Growing Wise'. This is produced by a Christian organisation. We have fully consulted with parents, staff and governors on the objectives within RSHE and aspects have been modified to reflect this consultation.

As part of the consultation process, parents, staff and governors were offered opportunities to respond to an initial questionnaire and draft policy, either in person with the PSHE lead or via email. All comments were discussed with staff and governors and the objectives were agreed upon following these discussions. As a result of this, our RSHE programme has been tailored to our families and community. In March 2023, we conducted a second consultation in order to include the views of the new families and staff we have welcomed to our school community and again adapted our policy in response. 

Relationship and Sex Education Curriculum Map

PSHE Reception Knowledge and Skills
PSHE Year 1 Knowledge and Skills
PSHE Year 2 Knowledge and Skills
PSHE Year 3 Knowledge and Skills
PSHE Year 4 Knowledge and Skills
PSHE Year 5 Knowledge and Skills
PSHE Year 6 Knowledge and Skills

PSHE Knowledge and Skills Progression

PSHE Lessons

PSHE lessons give lots of opportunities for group and paired discussion. In PSHE lessons, children are reminded to be respectful of each other in order for all children to feel free to share their ideas and opinions. It is important that everyone feels valued and included. 

The lessons are recorded in large scrapbooks, which record the ideas of the group and individual pupils. They often include photographs and the children enjoy looking back through them.


PSHE in the Wider Curriculum  

We believe that focusing on developing a 'Growth Mindset' in our children will help them to build resilience, independence and confidence; embrace challenge; foster a love of learning; and increase their level of happiness. We do this through the language we use in class, praising children for their efforts, and using language to encourage children to change their way of thinking. This supports both our school and PSHE aims and values, and we focus on Growth Mindset in all aspects of school life.

PSHE is an integral part of the whole school curriculum, and the objectives are often reinforced in other aspects of the curriculum:

  • We encourage our pupils to think about and their own wellbeing, ensuring they are playing a role in their own self-worth and that of others.
  • We challenge all of our pupils to look for opportunities to praise their peers in a positive way and move them on to the positive behaviour chart. They have an opportunity to vote for their peers at the end of each term for a 'Courtesy Award'. 
  • We support pupils with recognising and understanding their emotions through the Zones of Regulation. 
  • We are reactive to local and wider topics of concern. Class teachers deliver bespoke lessons to their class for certain class related issues and we also focus on whole-school initiatives in the light of global matters.
  • Visitors and trips out of school complement our PSHE curriculum to offer additional learning.
  • We are a church school and spiritual education is very important to us, through collective worship and RE lessons, as well as throughout our school ethos.
  • Pupils learn about basic first aid through the SCARF curriculum.
  • The choir support our local community by singing in the local nursing home and we support several local charities. 
  • We offer a wide a range of opportunities for pupils to develop their own skills and support others at St Peter's. For example, we have Digital Leaders, a School Council and Year 6 Buddies and Hall Monitors, who all contribute to our school community. We also offer a wide range of before and after school clubs and individual, group and whole class music lessons.

Online Safety

Online Safety is paramount in today's changing world and therefore online safety lessons are built into both the PSHE and Computing Curriculum. SCARF have mapped their lessons to the National Curriculum, ensuring that by following the SCARF lesson plans, the lessons meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. SCARF lessons are carefully planned as part of a spiral curriculum, covering all subjects in an age-appropriate way. 

For further information about where Online Safety is covered in the SCARF curriculum, including how the lessons are matched to the Education for a Connected World Framework, please see the linked documents below.

Online Safety in PSHE

How SCARF maps to the Education for a Connected World Framework

British Values

British Values are an integral part of our school life at St Peter's. They flow throughout our SCARF curriculum but are also addressed in their own right when appropriate. All classrooms display the British Values for teachers to refer to throughout the curriculum:

  • democracy.
  • the rule of law.
  • individual liberty.
  • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


Due to the imperative nature of children having positive mental and physical well-being, inclusion of all learners is of the utmost importance at St Peter’s.

We ensure that all children are able to access the content in our PSHE curriculum. There are a number of ways this is achieved. One of those is providing one-to-one support to children on certain issues. We recognise that all children are unique and have very different life experiences, all staff have constant dialogue with parents and carers to ensure that sensitive issues are always dealt with in an appropriate way, one that would make every child comfortable and give them the necessary skills to develop strategies to cope and flourish.

Our community has evolved rapidly and due to our new expansion, we have welcomed many new families to our community. This has brought about many benefits. One of those is the addition of many diverse cultures we have been lucky to add to our St Peter’s family. To ensure all AEN, disadvantaged and EAL children are included, teachers provide differentiated resources such as picture cards, word banks and topic vocabulary and handwriting guides, as well as other bespoke resources. Additionally, technology is used to ensure that all pupils can understand the important messages of PSHE lessons using translators, dictation software and braille resources.  
The progress of all learners is closely monitored by the class teacher and pupils needing extra support are identified and their needs discussed with either the PSHE Coordinator or Special Educational Needs Coordinator. As a result of this, appropriate resources and interventions are planned to ensure all learners make good progress.

How we support children in PSHE

Zones of Regulation

We introduced the Zones of Regulation in September 2022. Every classroom has its own Zones of Regulation display; there is also a large display in the hall. The Zones of Regulation support the children in being able to describe how they are feeling and how to name their emotions. It also helps them to identify which zone they are in at different times. Each child has a peg with their name on, which they can move throughout the day. Adults working with the class can identify when children may need additional support and help them with strategies to move back to the green zone, or with any worries or concerns they may have. In Year 6, we have Zones of Regulation Champions who help to promote the Zones of Regulation and support other children in the school. 

Useful Links

BBC education's PSHE. List of PSHE websites for 4-11 year old students, including games and activities and resources for teachers and parents. - Walk for Life

Anti-bullying network, links to many sites to support anti-bullying.

Stop bullying,  Child-friendly, US site with tools to learn about bullying and how to prevent it.

Bringing SCARF values to your home Support for families from Coram Life Education.