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Mars Year R

Class Teachers

Mrs Ives (Mon, Tues and Weds)

Mrs Owden (Wed, Thurs and Fri)


Teaching Assistant

Mrs Woods

Mars class consists of 30 Year R children.

Current learning - Term 4 - We are going out of this world!

During term 4, Mars Class will explore the boundaries between space and time with our enquiry question:  What exists outside the here and now?

The children will:

  • Know that things can change over time and that life existed on planet Earth before humans.
  • Understand that important historical events happened before we were born – moon landing.
  • Discuss what important events have happened in our lives.
  • Explore the prehistoric period where dinosaurs existed and will consider what Earth was like before humankind?
  • Think about the changes that can happen over time by comparing and sorting artefacts from the past and by observing the changing seasons.