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Learning At St Peter's

Through our vision – ‘Growing Together in Knowledge, Wisdom and Faith’, we aspire that every part of our school community flourishes


We recognise that our children come from a range of backgrounds, cultures and faiths. We celebrate each child as an individual and the unique contribution they make to our diverse school community.   

Our small, caring school is welcoming to all, and inclusion is at the heart of all we do. We value the contribution that each and every child brings to our community. Our curriculum builds on pupil’s prior knowledge and experiences giving all pupils, including disadvantaged pupil and those with SEN and/or disabilities, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.  

The ambitious curriculum at St Peter’s C of E Primary is knowledge-rich and based on progressive, sequenced pathways of learning. It is designed to be engaging and deepen pupil knowledge whilst extending vocabulary, to ensure that all our children learn more and remember more.  

We aim to engender a life-long love of learning, a curiosity about the world and to ensure that all pupils are prepared for the next stage of their education and equipped for success in later life. We aim to achieve this through a prioritisation of reading, language and vocabulary development; access to a range of extracurricular activities; additional experiences; as well as ensuring all pupils have access to a knowledge -rich, progressive curriculum.

Pupils are encouraged to develop as independent learners who are given opportunities to make their own informed choices. Key learning habits such as resilience, critical thinking, collaborative learning, creativity and having a growth mindset are fundamental to our curriculum. 

Enrichment opportunities are built into our curriculum including opportunities to enhance learning and widen experiences through visits to our local area. We want every child to leave our school with a sense of confidence in themselves. Our planned enrichment opportunities ensure that all children will have the opportunity to have a wide range of experiences including: speaking publicly; debating and defending their views; singing in a large choir; playing an instrument with others; becoming an exhibited ‘artist’ and experiencing a range of popular and inclusive sports. Our children will learn to care for the world, question what is right and understand their own rights and how they can make a difference to their own future, that of others and the wider world.  

We recognise that to flourish, question and grow, children must feel safe and loved. Our school is centred upon the love and teaching of Jesus. We inspire children to grow in the knowledge of God and His world, and to live in wisdom and faith. Our school is a wonderful diverse and multi-cultural community. We teach children to respect, empathise and learn from each other and the world around them. We nurture each pupil so that they can make the most of their God-given gifts and skills and be fruitful members of the community.