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Eco School



St Peter's would love to become an Eco School! We already carry out a number of eco-friendly actions such as recycling but we would like to do more and increase the children's knowledge of how we can help the environment!

Our Eco Events:-

Our first mission in becoming an Eco School was a Cut the Carbon Month during November! All our school families and staff were given a checklist to try and cut their carbon - at the end of November, the total amount of carbon saved was counted by our Eco Committee. We have sent our figures off to the Eco School website and are waiting to hear the results! 


In November the Eco Committee organised a second hand adults and children coat swap. This was a chance to bring in any coats that children had grown out of or coats that people had grown tired of and see them go to a new home! We sorted through everyone’s donations and they were  then made available for everyone to help themselves to for either themselves or their children. 

We saved the environment from a little bit of carbon which would have been used making new coats!


Tree planting project

On December 2nd lots of families helped plant over a hundred trees on the school field! It was a very cold but, luckily, dry day and it was so much fun!

Mrs Langton and Mrs Page had a fire going in the Forest School Area and were serving hot chocolate to warm us all up!

Even Margot helped! 

A lot of families adopted a tree, with the funds raised going towards our new Forest School Area.  The trees look fantastic and we can't wait to watch them grow over the years. Thank you so much to everyone who came along, we definitely couldn't have done it without you! 



Recycling Christmas jumpers! We held a stall providing second hand Christmas jumpers! Lots of people donated jumpers for the Christmas Jumper day we held in December!  

On Friday 19th January Saturn Class held a Second Hand book stall as part of a PTA fundraiser! We had loads of amazing books in fantastic condition donated for the stall. The children loved having a look through the piles of books and lots of books were re-homed. 

RSPB's Big Schools' Birdwatch The Eco Committee, headed up by Mrs Cheater will be taking part in the Big Schools' Birdwatch which is ongoing in January and February. We look forward to hearing how many of which species we have around the school grounds!


We have become Friends of the Honey Bee!! 

We will post all their newsletters here

Did you know Mrs Missen, Year 5's teacher, keeps her own bees and makes amazing honey which has won awards!! She is going to be giving us regular updates with 'News from the Hives'.

News from the Hives - January 2024

News from the Hives

The bees seize every slight rise in the temperature to leave the hive for a flight. Bees do not hibernate. The bees cluster together inside the hive with their queen as the temperature falls over winter. They eat their stored honey and wait for spring. This photo was taken on the 22nd of January and the bees were out taking short flights in the sunshine.

The metal strip over the hive doorway is a 'mouse guard'. It stops hungry mice from moving into the beehive for winter. Mice in a hive are a disaster for the bees as they eat the honey stores and cause the bees to starve. The mice cannot fit through the holes in the metal strip but the bees can.

If you see a honeybee in the next few weeks then wish her well as she was raised in autumn and must live long enough to survive the winter. She must forage for nectar and pollen on the early flowering plants to feed to the baby bees. She is already old and has a lot of work to do.

If you find a tired honeybee you can feed her sugar mixed with a little water for energy. Avoid feeding her honey as honey blends from different places can make bees ill.

We will keep you updated about our next Eco Missions! 

Please find here a link to give you more information about what we're trying to achieve. Home - Eco Schools (