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Young Leadership


Within St Peter's we like to encourage Leadership skills such as; communication, organisation and motivation. It's important to teach children to work with others, encouraging cooperation and teamwork with their peers.  

Being part of a Leadership team encourages young people to take responsibility for themselves and those they are leading. Our leaders run sporting activities, help younger years to play in groups, lead prayer, encourage and inform their peers about eco-topics and digital platforms. They help to run and manage our library and help with decision making in our School Council. 


Playground Buddies

The playground buddies are made up of Yr5/6 children who work alongside KS1 children to encourage group play and promote positive friendships.

They model how to play a range of playground games and encourage the younger children to join in and have fun together. 

Digital Leaders



The Digital Leaders are a selection of children from year 6, who have a passion for computing and raising awareness of the importance of being safe online.  The Digital Leaders meet regularly throughout the year to decide on and complete tasks that progress and support the computing curriculum.  This year, the Digital Leaders have led a whole school assembly about online safety and organised an online safety poster competition; they have provided ‘How to’ videos to assist students and teachers with various elements of the computing curriculum; they've organised computing resources as well as spoken to other pupils to get their view of computing and online safety in our school.   This year our Digital Leads are:

Jessica W

Ted B

Iris W

Isla G


An Eco-Committee is a group of pupils who are leading St. Peter's through the Eco-Schools programme.  With the support of Mrs Hussein and Mrs Cheater they are planning and delivering lots of environmental projects which will make our school more environmentally friendly. The Eco-Committee meets regularly throughout the academic year. Part of their role is to inspire their schoolmates and wider school community, through assemblies, posters and word of mouth. There are six Eco-Committee members from Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. 

2023-24 Eco-Committee Members

Mercury Jago R Mabel R
Saturn Henry Q Marianna P-D
Jupiter Toby E Ollie P


Leading Lights

Job responsibilities:

·       To regularly contribute to our whole school Collective Worship.

·       To help encourage children to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their faith.

·       To help plan, lead and evaluate Collective Worship.

·       To help plan and monitor worship areas around the school.

·       To be an ambassador and actively promote our Christian values.

·       To act as a voice on behalf of fellow pupils regarding the Christian character of our school. 

·       To research and write different prayers to offer during Collective Worship.

·       To research and select different Bible quotes to use in Collective worship and throughout the school.

·       To be prepared to meet with Mrs Sowerby on a regular basis at Lunch Time.


Year 3: Adeline C and Matilda T

Year 4: Emily S and Alice B

Year 5: Alex H and Phoebe D-P

Year 6: Evie S and Charlie T


School Council

School Council

Children on our school council are elected by the other children in their class. Children write a manifesto and then campaign to be elected. This leads to our exciting Election Day when children complete a secret ballot to elect their school council representatives.

For the academic year 2023-24 the school council is as follows:-


Jupiter Class School Council Representatives

Lola E

Henryk S


Saturn Class School Council Representatives

Lily S

Isaac S


Mercury Class School Council Representatives

Elliott F

Ada G


Neptune Class School Council Representatives

Henner C

Adeline C


Earth Class School Council Representatives

Fiona M

Sebby P


Pluto Class School Council Representatives

Austin A

Mattie L-M


School Charity

Every year all of the children in the school are given the opportunity to suggest possibilities for the school charity.  All of these ideas are collated and the school council representatives from each class share a small bit of information about each one with their class and the children then vote to select which one they want to support.


This year the chosen charity is Hospice in the Weald.

Sports Leaders

Students in years 5 and 6 at St Peter’s CEP Primary School have the opportunity to apply to become a Sports Leader; it is a role which brings great responsibility and enjoyment. It is a role which students are able to become role models within the school as well as developing their basic coaching skills in a range of sports.

Read more about Sport Leadership in our school here!

Our 2023/24 Sports Leaders

Year 6

Ted B Jess W
Rory D Gareth C


Year 5

Alex H Charlotte H Lily S
Dakota C Sofia B Eva W
Hailey C Zadie M Andrea K
Joseph S Henry O Charlie R
Isaac S Cyrus W Yanni T


Our Librarians

Year 6 - Maya H, Jasmine R

Year 5 - Eva W, Siya K

Year 4 - Lithika Y, Emmy L

Year 3 - Matilda T, Huxley W

Year 2 - Hannah C, Stephen T

Year 1 - Izabella  V-R, Oscar R

St Peter's library is a wonderful, well-used place of discovery and learning. Our library is well-stocked with a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books as well as newspapers and comics. These books need lots of organising and tidying on a regular basis and our committed librarians are on-hand to help. Giving up their play times, they spend time labelling, sorting and tidying the books so that all the classes can choose their 'Pleasure for Reading' book every week. They will be taking part in training at the Amelia Scott and will learn more about how to display the books that we have and develop their skills in promoting different types and genre of books. 


Mental Health Ambassadors

Zones of Regulation Champions

Job responsibilities:

· To help Mrs Jenner to promote and run the Zones of Regulation throughout the school.

· To organise and lead whole school Zones of Regulation days and assemblies, with the support of Mrs Jenner.

· To carry out Zones of Regulation check-ins in other classes to ensure that it is being used consistently.

· To train younger children to be Zones monitors in their classrooms.

· To create and present short Zones of Regulation presentations to other classes.

· To help create Zones of Regulation toolkits for each class.

· To work with Mrs Jenner to review pupil feedback and make changes to our current Zones of Regulation approach.

Wellbeing Ambassadors

Job responsibilities:

· To help Mrs Jenner to promote wellbeing and strategies to support mental health throughout the school.

· To help Mrs Jenner to raise awareness of mental health in school, e.g. by being involved in organising mental health days and weeks.

· To be a role model for other children in the school.

· To provide peer-to-peer support, helping younger children to overcome challenges, solve conflicts and have fun with their friends at playtimes and lunchtimes.

· To encourage children to find support and talk to others when needed.


Here are our Wellbeing Ambassadors for 2023/24:

Jessica W

Iris W

Isabelle A

Isla G